Meet Bill Foster

Bill’s Business Career

Before his scientific career, Bill was a successful businessman. When he was 19, Bill and his younger brother Fred started a business from scratch in their basement. Starting with $500 from their parents, they built a company that now manufactures over half of the theater lighting equipment in the United States. Their company’s equipment is used on Broadway shows, Rolling Stones tours, nationally-renowned opera houses, Super Bowl halftime shows, and at churches, schools, and community theaters throughout the country. Their company sells millions of dollars of equipment all over the world. ETC provides hundreds of good jobs – with good pay and benefits – here in the Midwest.

When he decided to run for a public office in 2007, Bill sold his interest in his company to avoid any conflicts of interest.  Electronic Theatre Controls has since completed the transition to an ESOP and in now 100% owned by its 1300 employees.


Paid for by Bill Foster for Congress